A tooth injury can be upsetting even when there is no visible damage to your enamel. You can be understandably worried if you have pain that persists after physical trauma. If your discomfort does not subside after a short time, it could be a sign that internal damage has occurred, which will worsen and put your tooth at risk if not addressed. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can meet with you to provide the appropriate restorative care. We can even make time to see you on short notice by providing emergency dental services. (more…)
Urgent Care For A Dislodged Tooth
Few oral health problems can be as upsetting as having a tooth knocked loose or completely out of its socket. While a dislodged tooth can be put back in place, there is a real risk for the loss to be permanent, which will make prosthetic treatment necessary. One thing our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can do to improve a patient’s chance of saving a tooth is offer emergency dental appointments. Through urgent care, you can have this alarming matter addressed after a short time, which can lead to the kind of treatment that preserves your complete smile. In the event that a tooth cannot be saved, we can make plans to replace it with a prosthetic that is secure, lifelike, and strong enough to provide bite support. (more…)
We Can Promptly Treat A Cracked Tooth
Sometimes, a problem with your oral health needs to be addressed as soon as possible. With this in mind, your Prairie Village, KS dentist wants patients to know that our office is here to help when a problem seems urgent. For example, if you crack your tooth, you can reach out to us to arrange an emergency procedure. Doing so will lower your risk for doing more harm to your enamel, and it can help you avoid difficulties with an infection that can form after the injury. You can be relieved to know that you have access to prompt care. It can also be welcome news to hear that with a lifelike dental crown, we can restore your oral health without changing your smile! (more…)
Requesting Emergency Dental Work
While you will hopefully never need to find out what your dentist can do for you during a dental emergency, it is beneficial to know that you have access to treatment on short notice. Knowing who to contact and where to go for care means having one less reason for concern during an already stressful situation. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is here to help at times when patients need our support on short notice. We can bring you in to evaluate the trouble with your smile, identify the correct treatment approach, and take care to restore both your oral health and appearance. (more…)
Leaving Urgent Care With A Confident Smile
When you set up an emergency dental procedure, you may feel less than thrilled about how you will look after treatment. After all, an injury or severe toothache can call for involved restorative dental work, and you may have doubts about how your dentist can take care of you in a way that preserves your smile as well as your oral health. It can be a relief to know that your Prairie Village, KS dentist can see you when you have an urgent problem, and that your treatment can preserve the way you look as well as your dental health. (more…)
Stopping Your Severe Tooth Pain
When someone experiences severe tooth pain, they may have a hard time waiting to arrange treatment. To put an end to your discomfort, you can set up an emergency dental appointment with your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office. When you arrive, we can find the cause of your discomfort, and that can lead to treatment to both put a stop to pain and ensure that the oral health issue responsible is resolved. Treating this as an urgent matter does more than just prevent further discomfort. If the cause of your pain is serious, you may be at risk for losing your tooth, something you can prevent by making your care a priority. (more…)
When Dental Problems Require Urgent Care
Should you be in a hurry to plan a dental treatment? Routine care can occur semiannually, and your dentist can talk to you about treatment times if problems are identified at one of these visits. In cases where you experience physical tooth trauma, or when pain becomes difficult to ignore, we can make your care a priority. Injuries and pain can call for emergency dental work, something that our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can provide. When you come in for care, we will see what we can do to provide the appropriate treatment so that your smile and oral health concerns are completely resolved. (more…)
Replacing A Badly Hurt Tooth
If your tooth is badly hurt in an accident, or if you start to experience worsening problems with pain because of an infection, you should make a point to see your dentist as soon as possible. Unfortunately, even when you schedule an emergency dental visit, you may find that the health of your tooth has deteriorated to the point where you need to have it removed and replaced. The good news is that if you are in this situation, your Prairie Village, KS dentist can perform a careful extraction and make plans to replace what you are losing with a durable, permanent restoration. (more…)
How Do I Protect A Loosened Tooth?
If your tooth is knocked loose, your response will be important. By protecting it in its vulnerable state and arranging treatment on short notice, you can avoid losing it, which means you prevent problems that call for prosthetic treatment. To make it easier for patients to see their dentist on short notice, we want patients to know that our office does arrange emergency services. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to see individuals on short notice when there is something wrong – because of this, we can reduce your risk of losing a tooth to physical damage, and we can shorten the time you have to endure discomfort from an oral health concern. (more…)
Why We Provide Urgent Dental Care
When you have no concerns about your smile, you can easily wait to see your dentist at your next semiannual dental exam. However, when you believe something is wrong, or when you suffer an injury that damages your smile, waiting will obviously be difficult. What can you do when you need to schedule treatment as soon as possible? At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, Dr. Browne can see you on short notice to address a possible dental emergency. By making your treatment a priority, you lower your risk for complications that can negatively impact your appearance and oral health. You also reduce the time you have to spend in pain due to an injury or infection. (more…)