How We Approach Dental Emergencies

Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency treatment for

Unfortunately, accidents cannot always be prevented. Even with an effective oral hygiene routine, things can still happen. You could break a tooth when playing a sport, or chip it if you bite into something too tough. When you harm your smile, it is important to seek care as soon as possible. Dr. Browne’s team in Prairie Village, KS, can help guide you through this situation and restore your health.


Don’t Let A Dental Emergency Disrupt Your Day

Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency care

Being prepared for an emergency can save you a lot of stress. This goes for oral health situations, too. While preventive measures like a consistent care routine can reduce the chances of a predicament, not all accidents can be avoided. Your Prairie Village, KS, dentist is here today to remind you what to do if you face an urgent smile problem.

Read more: Don’t Let A Dental Emergency Disrupt Your Day

Reduce Chances Of Harm With Preventive Care

Although regular checkups and good hygiene cannot prevent all accidents, it can decrease your chances of many problems. Common dental emergencies like toothaches and infections may be caused by cavities. Brushing and flossing regularly can protect your teeth against decay. Along with this, seeing your dentist every six months for a cleaning and examination can help monitor for signs of this. If a cavity has developed, your dentist will be able to see this and recommend restorative options. A dental filling can repair your tooth after decay and protect it from bacteria entering the area and causing problems for your oral health.

Other common accidents can include injuring your tooth by fracturing it, or having it knocked out. This can happen when playing sports, biting into something hard, or grinding your teeth. When playing contact sports, make sure to wear protective gear like a mouthguard to reduce your chances of injury. If you frequently grind your teeth, your dentist may be able to create a custom oral appliance that can protect your pearly whites from being worn down, as this can lead to discomfort.

Discussing Treatment Options During Your Emergency Visit

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, do not wait until your next checkup to come in for a visit. Call your dentist as soon as possible to have the problem looked at. When you come in for your appointment, the team will take a look at the injury that has occurred and will discuss possible treatment options. Your dentist will prioritize saving the tooth if it has not been too severely damaged.

Restorations can take place in the form of fillings, root canals, crowns, bonding, extractions, or more, depending on the type of injury that has occurred. Fillings are often used to repair your tooth after decay. However, if the cavity is more severe, a root canal may be required instead. If you have chipped a tooth, composite resin may be bonded to the area to correct it. More severe injuries, like fractures, can be restored with a crown. If it cannot be restored, it may be considered the best option to remove it to keep your smile healthy.

Our Team Is Here To Help

If you have harmed a tooth, we can provide urgent care to restore it.  call Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, at (913) 901-8585 to schedule an appointment.

Restoring Your Smile After An Accident

Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency dentistry

Harming one of your teeth can put an abrupt stop to your day’s plans. When this happens, it is important to stay calm and know what to do. Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, offer urgent dental care when you need it most. Whether you are dealing with a broken tooth or a sudden ache, they can help. In today’s blog, we are here to discuss how the team can help recover your pearly whites.

Read more: Restoring Your Smile After An Accident

When Should You Seek Emergency Care?

Accidents can happen, even when you practice good oral hygiene and prevention. If you have harmed your smile in any way or are experiencing discomfort, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. Do not wait until your next checkup, as the situation could worsen if it is not examined and treated promptly. As a general rule, if you have harmed a tooth, are experiencing a sudden and persistent ache, or notice severe swelling around your gums, these are considered emergencies. If this happens to you, remain calm and call our team. We will get you in as soon as possible and may give you instructions to care for the injury while you wait.

During your appointment, the dentist will examine your smile and assess the damage. Then, they will discuss possible treatment options for you. The treatment will depend on the severity of the harm and your personal needs. In many cases, your tooth will be able to be restored if it has been fractured or chipped. If the structure has been dislodged, your dentist can talk about replacement options with you.

Discussing Your Restorative Options

The repair done to your smile will depend on the type of injury that has occurred. For instance, a chipped tooth may be repaired with the help of bonding or with a dental crown. Bonding may be done if the harm is less severe. A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that can be placed on top of your pearly white if it has been cracked or fractured. This helps protect the injury from spreading or becoming infected. A crown may also be added after a root canal treatment for further protection.

In the event that your tooth has been severely harmed or partially knocked out, an extraction may be recommended instead. Removing a dental structure is usually a last resort choice that can help protect the integrity of your oral health. If this is required, prosthetic replacement options can be discussed as well. For patients experiencing a sudden onset of pain, the area can be examined to assess the problem. This discomfort may be due to an infection, harmed tooth, or other problem.

Schedule An Appointment With Dr. Browne

If you need emergency dental care, call Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, at (913) 901-8585.

Is A Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency care

Even with the best care, you may still face a dental emergency. This may come in the form of a fractured tooth, persistent pain, or other problems. When this happens, Dr. Browne’s team in Prairie Village, KS, is here to help. While our staff is equipped to restore your pearly whites whenever possible, sometimes the damage may be too severe to repair. In circumstances like this, removing the structure may be the best way to save your smile.

Read more: Is A Tooth Extraction Necessary?

When Can The Tooth Be Restored

If one of your pearly whites has been cracked or is causing you discomfort, there is a chance that it could be restored. It is important to visit the dentist as soon as possible when this happens. Instead of waiting for your next cleaning, call to make a same-day urgent appointment. The team will examine the area and may be able to repair it. The sooner the problem is addressed, the swifter the treatment can be.

For problems such as chips, cracks, or fractures, a dental crown may be placed over the area. This can help restore the area and protect it from further injury. If you are experiencing a persistent ache, the team will do their best to get to the root of the problem and treat it. This may be due to a cavity, which can be remedied with a filling or root canal treatment depending on the severity of the problem.

If The Damage Is Substantial

While there are many ways to restore a broken tooth, there are some cases where the harm is too severe to be restored. If this is the case, your dentist may recommend that the structure is removed. This can help relieve discomfort and protect you from the injury worsening or becoming infected. Extraction may be suggested if it has been severely broken, the area is infected, or there is an extreme cavity that a root canal cannot address.

Our team will do their best to make sure you are comfortable during this process. Before beginning, you may be given sedation, or the local area will be numbed. Then, the dentist will make an incision and gently pull your pearly white out. The area will be cleaned, and gauze may be placed. You should have a friend or family member drive you home.

After Having A Tooth Removed

Once you have healed from the extraction, your dentist can discuss prosthetic options with you. It is important to replace the missing tooth because gaps in your smile can cause changes in your ability to chew and speak. There are several options available to replace a missing tooth, including bridges, dentures, and implants.

Our Team Is Here To Help

If you need emergency dental care, call Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, at (913) 901-8585.

Replacing A Tooth After It Has Been Lost

Praire Village, KS , dentist helps during emergencies

Oh no! You have been hit, and one of your teeth has been dislodged or severely broken. When this happens, it can be stressful. However, there is a way to help recover the area. Dr. Browne’s team in Prairie Village, KS, is equipped to help you during urgent dental situations. If you have lost a permanent tooth, we can discuss replacement options.

Read more: Replacing A Tooth After It Has Been Lost

Dealing With A Break Or Fracture

If you have fractured a tooth, there is a chance that it can be saved. Try to keep the pieces with you, if you are able, and keep the area clean. Then, come in for an urgent visit as soon as you are able to. By having the area looked at immediately, you can reduce your chances of the injury worsening or becoming infected. Dental crowns are often used to restore a structure after damage. These are caps that are placed over the area that has been harmed. In some cases, a root canal treatment may be performed before the crown is placed if the fracture is deep.

The Tooth Has Completely Been Dislodged

If one of your pearly whites has completely been knocked out of its socket, do not panic. Keep it in a clean bag if you are able to, and place gauze in the area to stop the bleeding. Call your dentist for an immediate visit. It may be helpful to have a friend or family member drive you to your appointment so that you can stay calm. If the structure is not able to be re-rooted, there are ways to replace it. First, your dentist will need to examine the area to assess the damage. They will then discuss your possible replacement options. Bridges can replace one or more teeth in the same row, or an implant can take the place of both the root and crown of a missing structure.

Why We Replace Missing Teeth

When you have a gap in your smile, it can cause problems for your oral health and your self-confidence. It can change your ability to chew and speak, and you may not want to show off your grin to others. Along with these problems, a single missing tooth can make it easier to lose more. The structure of your jawbone may begin to weaken and have trouble supporting other teeth. By replacing your lost ones, your jawbone can be better supported. One of the best ways to do this is with dental implants, which mimic the root of the tooth.

Talk To Dr. Browne’s Team Today

If you have lost a tooth due to an accident, we may be able to help. You can call our team in Prairie Village, KS, today at (913) 901-8585.

Treating An Infected Tooth

Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency treatment for

There are few things more uncomfortable than an infected tooth. The persistent pain and sensitivity caused by this problem can make it difficult to chew and speak and can be anxiety-inducing as you wonder what has caused it. If you are experiencing a sudden and severe ache, do not wait until your next appointment to seek help. Instead, visit Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, for an urgent checkup.

Read more: Treating An Infected Tooth

What Can Cause An Infection?

Infections can stem from a cavity that has been left untreated. In many cases, seeing the dentist every six months for an examination allows for decay to be detected. However, if this is missed or you are unable to come in for a checkup, the problem can go unnoticed. When a cavity forms, it is important to have it treated in order to stop it from progressing and to restore the area. If the damaged part of the tooth is not removed, the decay will continue to break down the other layers. If you begin to experience discomfort, swelling, or a sudden and persistent toothache, you must have this looked at as soon as possible. To prevent decay, brush your teeth daily and try to avoid food that is high in sugar if you do have a cavity.

How Your Dentist Can Help

At your emergency appointment, your dentist will examine the area and may take X-rays for a closer view. Depending on the severity of the problem, it may be treated with a filling, root canal treatment, or an extraction. Dental fillings involve removing the damaged part and repairing the area with composite resin. This material is durable and looks natural, so it can be used in many areas.

If the cavity has reached the pulp of your tooth, your dentist may recommend root canal treatment instead. With this procedure, your dentist will remove the damaged part of the pulp, clean, and fill the area. In some cases, a crown may be placed on top to provide extra protection.

In cases of more severe infection or damage, extraction may be the best option. Your dentist will do their best to keep your natural pearly white intact, but this may not be available for all patients. Removal may be necessary if the area is severely infected and cannot be repaired through other restorations. By taking the tooth out, it can relieve your discomfort and prevent the infection from worsening.

When You Have An Emergency, See Us

If you have broken or lost a tooth, do not wait until your next checkup to have it examined. Schedule an urgent appointment, with Dr. Browne’s Dentistry in Prairie Village, KS, by calling (913) 901-8585.

Emergency Dentistry Can Save A Lost Tooth

Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency care

If you have knocked out one of your pearly whites due to an injury, you are not alone. Millions of people each year have had this happen to them. When this happens, do not wait to seek treatment. Receiving treatment promptly may allow for the tooth to be re-rooted and prevent an infection from occurring. Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, can help you during this emergency dental situation.

Read more: Emergency Dentistry Can Save A Lost Tooth

How Does This Happen?

Avulsion happens when the tooth has been dislodged through force. The difference between knocking out one of your pearly whites or simply losing one is how it happens. If the structure has undergone trauma, such as being hit, this can cause it to come out of its space. This may happen from sports-related injuries, car accidents, falls, and more. To prevent this, you can wear a mouthguard when playing games like hockey, football, soccer, or other contact sports. Of course, accidents cannot always be prevented, but a mouthguard can protect your smile from several injuries.

Is This Different From Other Forms Of Tooth Loss?

Losing a tooth due to infection or gum disease is different because this may be due to the oral tissue receding over time. When you have periodontitis, the root and tissue become detached, which can lead to the area becoming weak. Periodontal disease can be managed with scheduled deep cleanings throughout the year. These treatments help manage symptoms so that the infection does not become a severe situation.

An avulsed tooth is different from losing one as a child. As a kid, you will eventually lose your primary set of dentitions as the permanent one comes in. This is a natural process that everyone will go through. If one of your child’s baby teeth begins to feel loose, do not pull it. This can cause discomfort and may force it out before the new one is ready to grow.

What To Do If You Knock Out A Tooth

If this happens to you, do not panic. We know this can cause discomfort, but it is important that you stay calm to get the help you need. If you can save it, rinse the structure, and place it in a clean bag. You can bring this to your appointment. Then, call your dentist to schedule an emergency appointment. If you can have immediate care, there is a chance that it can be re-rooted. Lost primary teeth cannot be replanted, but you should see the dentist to ensure the area is not severely damaged. For adult teeth, if they cannot be replaced, prosthetic options may be discussed with you.

We are Here To Help During An Emergency

To schedule an urgent appointment, call Dr. Browne’s Dentistry in Prairie Village, KS, at (913) 901-8585.

Be Prepared For A Dental Emergency

Prarie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency care

Even with the best care, accidents can still happen. It is important to have an action plan for an emergency, including tooth-related ones. If you have harmed one of your pearly whites or are experiencing sudden discomfort, do not wait until your next checkup to have the area examined. Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village, KS, are equipped with the necessary skills to help you during a variety of situations.

Read more: Be Prepared For A Dental Emergency

Preventing Infections And Injuries

Not all accidents can be preventable, but there are some measures you can take to keep your teeth in good health. One of the best ways to do this is to practice good oral hygiene. While brushing and flossing daily may seem like a small task, it can protect your pearly whites from harmful bacteria. Biannual checkups can help as well by offering early detection of problems such as cavities and gingivitis. If these issues are found, a treatment plan can be put in place before the trouble progresses.

What To Do In An Emergency

If you do find yourself facing a tooth or mouth-related predicament, it is important that you know what to do. First, remember to stay calm. These situations can be scary, but panicking can make it difficult to get help. If the problem is life-threatening, call 911. However, the majority of dental trauma is not fatal. Assess the situation and take corrective action.

For a chipped or broken tooth, keep the pieces if you are able. You can also place gauze in the area to stop it from bleeding. If necessary, take over-the-counter painkillers to improve your comfort for the time being. Then, call your dentist to schedule a visit. A dislodged tooth should be kept in a clean container if you are able. Use gauze and apply pressure to reduce bleeding.

If you are experiencing a sudden ache, extreme sensitivity, or inflammation, the area may be infected. Call your dentist and follow instructions as directed.

Discussing Treatment Options

The restorative method used to treat the area will depend on the type of injury and your needs. In many cases, your dentist will work to restore it back health. Dental crowns may be used to repair a broken tooth, and root canal therapy may be able to resolve an infection. In situations where the tooth cannot be restored, extraction may be necessary. This can help relieve the source of the pain and prevent the infection from spreading. Replacement options can be discussed as well.

Call Dr. Browne When You Need Urgent Dental Care

If you have harmed your oral cavity, do not delay treatment. To schedule an emergency visit, call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, today at (913) 901-8585.