Because they happen when you least expect, dental emergencies can cause serious anxiety when attempting to seek treatment. But by understanding the signs that require the attention of your dentist, you can gain confidence and remain more calm when finding relief from your injury. Left untreated, physical trauma or a painful infection can lead to… Read more »
Experiencing a dental emergency can be quite nerve-wracking, but having a plan for seeking treatment ahead of time can help calm your anxiety. When one of your teeth is fully knocked out, the stress of preserving your tooth and placing it back in your mouth can be high. Because an injury of this nature is… Read more »
You should never ignore a constant pain in one of your teeth that will not go away on its own. This is a common symptom of a bacterial infection that risks spreading beyond your tooth and entering other parts of your body. While other problems with your oral health can be treated at a general… Read more »
Having an oral health emergency can be quite a shock when you least expect it. From painful tooth infections to sudden physical traumas, an injury to one of your teeth can be difficult to navigate when the symptoms cloud your ability to think. This is why having an emergency contact plan can help you save… Read more »