Injuries that lead to you suffering a chipped or cracked tooth can be frustrating, even embarrassing. After all, a conspicuously damaged tooth can be unflattering, and bring down the quality of your smile in a way that is difficult to ignore. With that said, the problem can be about more than just your looks – an injury can be painful, and put your tooth’s health in real jeopardy. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist is prepared to help you manage the effects of a serious dental injury, and is ready to offer emergency care to patients. (more…)
An Injured Tooth Can Have Its Appearance Restored
If a tooth is injured, you may have some understandable concerns about how it will affect your smile. While a molar or premolar can stay out of sight, damage to one of your front teeth can be difficult to hide. In the event you experience a dental injury, even a serious one, you should know that your Prairie Village, KS dentist is ready to help you. While the first priority is to make sure your tooth’s health is addressed, and that you are no longer in pain, your care can pay attention to the appearance of your tooth, too. (more…)
Arranging Emergency Care If Your Tooth Is Knocked Loose
It can be scary to feel a loosened tooth in your mouth after an accident. While it may not be lost, you can be unsure of its health, and worried that it may fall out if you are not careful. You can also have some understandable concerns about the condition of the tooth after an injury partially dislodges it. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can work with you in the event of an emergency where a tooth is damaged, loosened, or even knocked completely free of your smile. A modern treatment can make sure your smile is healthy, complete, and attractive after your treatment. (more…)
Your Dental Injury Can Lead To An Infected Tooth
What happens when your tooth is injured, but not treated by your dentist? In cases where your injury leads to your pulp being hurt or exposed, you could develop an infection that threatens your oral health. When an infection occurs, you can start to feel bouts of discomfort and sensitivity, and it can be uncomfortable to place biting or chewing pressure on the tooth. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist is ready to see you if you injure your tooth. Our practice makes emergency treatment available when patients need it, and we can ensure your needs are fully addressed in the event of a tooth infection. (more…)
Safely Extracting And Replacing A Badly Damaged Tooth
In cases of dental injuries, your Prairie Village, KS dentist will attempt to save a tooth from being lost. In many cases, emergency dental work can preserve a tooth, and allow your complete smile to stay intact. Unfortunately, some injuries are just too severe for this to be an option. If you find yourself in this situation, you can be relieved to know that a damaged tooth can be safely extracted, and you can have a replacement that provides valuable support. A dental implant-supported prosthetic is capable of staying secure while you bite and chew, while also allowing you to maintain your appearance. (more…)
Urgent Dental Care Can Address Your Oral Health, And Smile
If you fall short of your efforts to protect your smile from common threats like tooth decay and gum disease, your Prairie Village, KS dentist is ready to help you. Because you have access to modern dental restorations, problems that affect the condition of a tooth can be remedied without causing your smile’s appearance to suffer. You can be relieved to know that the modern restorations used during cavity treatments can also be effective at addressing dental damage. If you find yourself in need of emergency dental work, you can have care delivered promptly, and have your tooth’s appearance and function restored. (more…)
Attempting To Save A Tooth Knocked Out By An Injury
It can be quite scary to see a tooth come loose, or become completely dislodged, after you experience an injury. On top of your discomfort during a dental emergency, you can feel alarm at thoughts of how a missing tooth can change your appearance, and make routine functions like biting and chewing more difficult. Because injuries, particularly those that involve tooth loss, can require urgent care, your Prairie Village, KS dentist makes emergency dental care a priority. You can schedule an appointment to see if the tooth can be saved, or find out how a lifelike prosthetic can restore your smile. (more…)
Pain After A Dental Injury? Have Your Dentist Take A Look
Dental pain can be an unpleasant reason to see your dentist, but it can certainly be an important reason to seek care. If you feel pain after a dental injury, you can count on your Prairie Village, KS dentist to see you promptly, and determine what needs to be done to address your tooth properly. Being concerned about the state of your smile after damage, particularly when the damage results in pain, can be a sign that your tooth needs work performed. You could have an internal problem that puts your tooth in jeopardy! (more…)
What Does Your Dentist Do During Emergency Dental Work?
You can have several understandable concerns after you experience a dental emergency. You can be concerned with discomfort, and with the condition of a tooth that is chipped, cracked, or even lost. With that said, you may be unclear on what your dentist can do for you to address these problems, or whether you have access to urgent care at all. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist is ready to help you if you experience a dental problem that demands urgent attention. During your visit, your physical trauma can be carefully addressed. In addition to treating the problem, the right restoration can actually make improvements on your smile, so you will not have to worry about the cosmetic effects of an injury. (more…)
Don’t Let A Dental Emergency Hurt Your 2019
How would you like to spend part of 2019 dealing with a dental injury? Obviously, this is not something people would hope for in the new year, or in any year. It is still worth noting that injuries still occur, and you may find yourself in need of emergency dental work at some point in the new year. You should know that your Prairie Village, KS dentist is prepared to help patients who find themselves in situations like this. You can look forward to treatment that addresses the harm you experience, while also providing quality smile care. (more…)