Exploring What Your Options Are During A Dental Emergency

What kind of care is REALLY available to you if you suffer a dental emergency? Can you count on your dentist to welcome you on short notice? Will emergency care consist of simply addressing pain, or can you and your dentist discuss the restorative dental care you require to fully manage a problem? Our Prairie Village, KS dental practice is ready to offer full support on short notice when you urgently need care. Hopefully, this is something you will never need. If you do need emergency work, we can make sure your discomfort is addressed, and determine the best treatment course to fully address the matter.

Can I Really Arrange Dental Care On Short Notice?

Our practice does offer emergency appointments to patients. That means arranging treatment when an unexpected problem arises, even if it comes up outside of office hours. Our practice is prepared to help people manage injuries, even when they show up with little advanced warning. By providing this kind of prompt care, it becomes easier to save a person’s tooth if it is loose, completely knocked out, or badly harmed.

What Is My Dentist Able To Do During An Emergency?

Our practice is committed to making sure your needs are fully addressed when you have a dental emergency. While the immediate concern will be the condition of the tooth, and any pain you might be in, we can talk to you about effective treatment. You may need to work out plans to replace the tooth if it cannot be saved. Fortunately, in many cases a tooth can be successfully saved after an emergency. In this situation, your dentist can talk to you about placing a lifelike dental crown.

Can Emergency Dental Care Address Cosmetic Issues?

Because our practice can offer crowns that match the look of your natural tooth structure, you can count on your treatment to improve your appearance! We can also help you if it is determined that your injury only calls for cosmetic dental work. It is worth noting that if your tooth becomes chipped or cracked, and you are unsure how badly hurt you are, making sure the tooth is evaluated is a good idea. Even the tooth is not in imminent danger, physical trauma can create long-term problems that will have to be managed.

You Can Arrange Emergency Dental Care With Dr. Browne!

Dr. Browne is proud to make emergency dental services available to our patients! Our practice serves the Prairie Village, KS community, and surrounding areas, by offering a variety of treatments that can help people feel great about the health of their teeth, and the look of their smiles! To learn more, or to schedule a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.