Is Dental Pain A Good Reason To Request Emergency Care?

Sure, an injury that leaves you with a broken, loosened, or dislodged tooth can call for an emergency dental treatment. However, you may be less sure that emergency dental care is warranted if you have dental pain that is not linked to a specific incident. What you should know is that persistent or serious pain is a real concern, even if there is no obvious reason you are feeling it. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to promptly meet with you if you find yourself in this situation. You should be aware that the problem may be linked to an infection in your tooth, which can require a root canal treatment.

Your Ongoing Pain Could Be A Sign Something Is Seriously Wrong

If you start to have problems with dental pain or sensitivity that are significantly uncomfortable, or persistent, the problem could be with an infection. Infections within teeth are often caused by oral bacteria entering your pulp – the access to this inner chamber is provided when decay does sufficient damage to your enamel and dentin. With that said, an injury can also put you at risk for an infection. This is a problem that should be treated seriously – if you do not act in time to have the tooth treated, the infection can spread, and your tooth may have to be extracted.

What To Expect Over The Course Of Emergency Treatment

When you arrive for emergency dental work, your dentist will make sure the tooth’s needs are fully addressed. This means providing a review of your tooth structure, and it may require a root canal procedure. Once this is done, your tooth can be permanently impacted by the work needed to stop a problem. To address this, a modern restoration is provided.

How Will Restorative Work Ultimately Affect Your Smile?

If a dental problem affects a tooth that is more prominent when you smile, you can have some understandable concerns about the future of your appearance! You can be happy to know that when a problem is treated, the restoration you receive can carefully match your natural dental enamel. Modern crowns are designed to imitate teeth well enough to prevent cosmetic issues from upsetting patients. The materials used to create dental crowns, while impressively lifelike, can still provide functional support.

Talk To Dr. Browne If You Have An Urgent Issue With Dental Pain

If you have an issue with dental pain that worries you, making an appointment for care can provide relief, and stop a potentially serious threat. Dr. Browne is ready to meet with you and address your needs if you find yourself requiring emergency services. To find out more about these services, or to learn more about the general care that we provide to people in and around Prairie Village, KS, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.