3 Reasons You Should Not Ignore A Possible Dental Emergency

If you ignore a possible problem at your work, you can be reprimanded by your boss, and find yourself with a difficult mess to clean up later. If you ignore signs of bad weather, you could have picnic ruined by rain. When the consequences of ignoring problems are clear, it should be easy to see why ignoring a potential dental emergency is NOT recommended. If you ignore a possible problem with a tooth, you can allow the problem to worsen over time, meaning the situation will grow more serious and require more involved restorative dental work. When a situation calls for emergency dental care, you can count on your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office for support! (more…)

Exploring What Your Options Are During A Dental Emergency

What kind of care is REALLY available to you if you suffer a dental emergency? Can you count on your dentist to welcome you on short notice? Will emergency care consist of simply addressing pain, or can you and your dentist discuss the restorative dental care you require to fully manage a problem? Our Prairie Village, KS dental practice is ready to offer full support on short notice when you urgently need care. Hopefully, this is something you will never need. If you do need emergency work, we can make sure your discomfort is addressed, and determine the best treatment course to fully address the matter. (more…)

Is Dental Pain A Good Reason To Request Emergency Care?

Sure, an injury that leaves you with a broken, loosened, or dislodged tooth can call for an emergency dental treatment. However, you may be less sure that emergency dental care is warranted if you have dental pain that is not linked to a specific incident. What you should know is that persistent or serious pain is a real concern, even if there is no obvious reason you are feeling it. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to promptly meet with you if you find yourself in this situation. You should be aware that the problem may be linked to an infection in your tooth, which can require a root canal treatment. (more…)

Crack Your Tooth? You Can Receive Emergency Care

There are real problems that can occur after your tooth is cracked. One problem is that you can be vulnerable to bacterial infection in the tooth, which can create serious oral health consequences. There is also the matter of the tooth’s structural integrity, which can be compromised by harm. Fortunately, you can seek treatment for this problem with minimal delay, as your Prairie Village, KS dental practice offers emergency dental services! By taking care of any issues concerning an infection, and restoring the tooth, your dentist can make sure your dental needs are completely settled. If you are hesitant to seek care for an injury, keep in mind that dental damage can remain without proper care, and can worsen over time if nothing is done about it. (more…)

Is It Possible For Your Dentist To Save A Dislodged Tooth?

Is there anything your dentist can do to help you if you lose a tooth after an injury? The unfortunate reality is that some dental injuries are just too severe to make saving a lost tooth possible. However, this does not mean there is no reason to see your dentist for emergency dental work. In fact, even if your tooth is not salvageable, treatment in response to an injury can be important. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office makes emergency services available to patients, so you have the best possible chance of having a dislodged tooth saved. In a situation where this is not possible, your dentist can discuss the placement of a modern, attractive dental prosthetic with you. (more…)

What To Expect After Your Emergency Dental Work Is Completed

When you go in for an emergency dental appointment, you can be eager to have ongoing discomfort addressed, and you can be understandably concerned about the condition of your teeth. While your immediate needs can be on the forefront of your thoughts, you may wonder what to expect after you complete your necessary restorative dental work. How will your smile look after you have any needed restorations put in place? If you need prosthetic dental work, can you count on that work to provide more than just smile support? Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to provide emergency dental care that has lasting value, so you will not have to worry about an injury or other issue leading to long-term problems. (more…)

What Would You Like To Know About Emergency Dental Care?

Trying to learn about emergency dental services while you have an urgent need for care can become frustrating, or even overwhelming. It can be difficult to think clearly with tooth pain, or while worrying that you may have just lost a tooth. You should know that your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is ready to take on patients in need of urgent attention. After reaching our practice and explaining the matter, you can come in for the appropriate restorative dental procedure. While the type of care given to someone in an emergency will vary based on their needs, you can expect your treatment to end with your smile restored! (more…)

Reaching Out For Emergency Care Related To Dental Pain

While physical injuries are commonly the reason someone needs emergency dental work, trauma may not be the reason you urgently require treatment. If you experience a persistent, painful issue with a tooth, your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can see you to offer support. It is important to take an issue with dental discomfort seriously. That unpleasant feeling could be a warning that your tooth is infected, and in need of attention. Once the matter is addressed, your dentist can provide a lifelike dental restoration that provides the protection your tooth requires, while still sustaining the look of your smile. (more…)

Addressing A Dental Injury Without A Frustrating Delay

In many contexts, patience can certainly be a virtue, but dental emergencies should not be treated like something you can calmly wait to have addressed. Unfortunately, a potentially serious injury can jeopardize the health of your tooth in a serious way, to the point where it could be lost if no treatment is provided in time. You can be relieved to know that if you find yourself in a situation that seems to call for emergency dental work, your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is ready to help you! Our practice makes restorative dental treatment a priority when a person is in need of urgent attention. (more…)

Restoring Your Appearance During Emergency Dental Work

Dental emergencies that disrupt your appearance can be understandably upsetting, and they can put you in a state of alarm. Hopefully, you will never find out what your Prairie Village, KS dentist can do for you in an emergency. However, you can be happy to know that if something does occur, you have access to prompt care. In fact, your dentist can actually offer both restorative work to address the health of your tooth, and care to improve your smile. That means you will not need to worry about the long-term effects of a damage or lost tooth on the way you look! (more…)