Breaking a tooth can lead to serious discomfort, which can put an abrupt stop to your day. If this happens to you, or you experience any type of injury to your smile, it’s important to know what to do so you can best manage the situation. Dr. Browne and his team in Prairie Village,… Read more »
Category: Tooth Loss/Extraction
Caring For Your Knocked Out Tooth

Experiencing a dental emergency can be quite nerve-wracking, but having a plan for seeking treatment ahead of time can help calm your anxiety. When one of your teeth is fully knocked out, the stress of preserving your tooth and placing it back in your mouth can be high. Because an injury of this nature is… Read more »
When Injuries Lead To Tooth Loss

Any dental injury that results in tooth trauma or lingering pain can be cause for concern. With that said, few problems with your oral health can feel as urgent as one that leaves you with a partially or completely dislodged tooth. This is one scenario in which a patient might find themselves in need of… Read more »
Tips For Protecting A Dislodged Tooth

Any dental emergency can be upsetting, but an injury that leaves you with a dislodged tooth can be especially distressing for you. You can worry that the loss will be permanent, leaving you with an incomplete smile that is less healthy and less attractive. You can also struggle with feelings of uncertainty if you are… Read more »
Emergency Dental Work After Tooth Loss – What To Expect
If you injure yourself and lose a tooth as a result, it can be easy to recognize the situation as a dental emergency. However, identifying something as an emergency and knowing how to respond can be two different matters! One thing you should know is that your Prairie Village, KS dentist is prepared to provide… Read more »
Scheduling An Emergency Visit In Response To Tooth Loss
Few dental health issues have the power to frighten patients as much as tooth loss, particularly tooth loss resulting from an injury. In this situation, you can find yourself dealing with pain, and the understandable concern that your smile has been effectively ruined by this new gap created by your tooth’s absence. At our Prairie… Read more »
Is It Possible For Your Dentist To Save A Dislodged Tooth?
Is there anything your dentist can do to help you if you lose a tooth after an injury? The unfortunate reality is that some dental injuries are just too severe to make saving a lost tooth possible. However, this does not mean there is no reason to see your dentist for emergency dental work. In… Read more »
Safely Extracting And Replacing A Badly Damaged Tooth
In cases of dental injuries, your Prairie Village, KS dentist will attempt to save a tooth from being lost. In many cases, emergency dental work can preserve a tooth, and allow your complete smile to stay intact. Unfortunately, some injuries are just too severe for this to be an option. If you find yourself in… Read more »
Saving Or Replacing A Tooth Lost Due To Injury
A serious dental injury can leave you with a tooth that feels loose, or one that is completely lost. Through the appropriate emergency dental work, your Prairie Village, KS dentist can address this problem. When you seek care promptly, it may be possible to save the tooth, depending on its condition. What you should know… Read more »
Seeking Help When Your Tooth Is Partially Or Fully Dislodged
A dental injury that leads to a tooth being loose, or even lost, can cause serious concern. You can find yourself dealing with the immediate trauma of your accident, while also worrying about the possibility of having an incomplete smile. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can address your needs when you experience a dental emergency…. Read more »