Dental emergencies can happen to anyone when they least expect it. While you may not be able to anticipate an injury, you can put in place a response plan to help you find relief quickly. Knowing help is readily available can help you handle the stress and pain of an injury like knocking out one of your teeth. Whether from a sporting accident or some other unforeseen event, the time it takes to receive care can make the difference in saving your original tooth. Rinsing the missing tooth and placing it back in the socket may conserve its health until you can receive professional aid. When you call our office, we will schedule an immediate appointment to examine and operate on your injury.
At your Prairie Village, KS, dental practice we understand how difficult maintaining composure with a dental injury can be. If you have an emergency, do not put off seeking treatment. If you believe your injury to be life-threatening, or have bleeding you cannot control, first call 911 or head to the emergency room of your nearest hospital. Otherwise, please call us during or after office hours to schedule a visit. On this call, we will let you know how to best care for your problem tooth while you arrange transportation to our office. Following instructions carefully can increase the odds of saving your tooth.