How We Approach Dental Emergencies

Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency treatment for

Unfortunately, accidents cannot always be prevented. Even with an effective oral hygiene routine, things can still happen. You could break a tooth when playing a sport, or chip it if you bite into something too tough. When you harm your smile, it is important to seek care as soon as possible. Dr. Browne’s team in Prairie Village, KS, can help guide you through this situation and restore your health.

Repairing A Broken Tooth

If you are experiencing discomfort or pain, it is important to have the concern addressed as soon as possible. You can schedule an emergency appointment for immediate treatment. At this visit, the dentist will examine the area and determine the best means of treating it. The severity of your injury will help determine what the best method may be. For instance, if you have minorly chipped or cracked one of your pearly whites, bonding may be able to fix this issue. We will add composite resin to the area and cure it with a light. This helps improve the appearance of the area and protect the chip from worsening. If more severe damage has been done, a dental crown may be used instead. These are tooth-shaped caps that are placed over the injured tooth. It can help protect and restrengthen the area so that it can function properly.

Addressing Tooth Decay

The source of your discomfort may be due to a serious cavity or abscess. In mild cases, a dental filling may be used to treat the cavity and relieve your discomfort. However, if the decay is more serious, root canal treatment may be required instead. You may need this done if you are experiencing a sudden, severe toothache, swelling to the area, or extreme sensitivity. Before having a root canal done, the area will be numbed for your comfort. Then, the damaged pulp will be taken out. After this, the space is cleaned, and a strong material is added. A crown may be placed on top for extra protection and support.

Removal May Be The Best Option

In most cases, your dentist will prioritize keeping your natural dental structures intact. If the tooth is not able to be restored, it may be best to extract it. This can help relieve discomfort, protect your other teeth, and renew your oral health. Replacement options can be discussed if the structure removed is vital to the function and appearance of your smile. This could include a dental bridge, dentures, or implants depending on the severity of loss and your specific needs. It is important to replace missing teeth to help maintain your oral health, function, and appearance.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

If you need urgent care for your smile, visit Dr. Browne’s team in Prairie Village, KS, today. You can call us at (913) 901-8585.