When you experience a dental emergency, identifying the signs that require immediate treatment can lead to appropriate relief. Physical trauma and severe infection of a tooth can bring your life to a screeching halt. Simple activities such as eating and speaking can bring serious pain, and damage to your tooth can have an unnerving effect on the look of your smile. When you receive emergency service for your tooth injury, you can prevent harm from compounding instead of waiting until your next general dental appointment. This is because when you treat an oral health issue early, you increase the chance of a more conservative treatment option that preserves your healthy structure.
At your Prairie Village, KS, dentist’s office, we are standing by to provide emergency dental care in your time of need. When injuries to your teeth require repair, we can reduce your pain and plan a restoration that returns the appearance of a beautiful smile!
Knocked-Out Teeth
If one of your teeth becomes knocked out due to physical trauma, the injury may cause significant bleeding. Seek to stop the bleeding by applying clean, moist gauze to your socket. If you are unable to stem the bleeding for this or any other emergency, call 911 or go to the emergency room of your nearest hospital. Otherwise, proceed by collecting your missing tooth and rinsing it under warm water. Place the tooth in a container of milk or salt water to preserve it until you reach our office.
Chipped And Broken Teeth
When an injury causes the surface of your tooth to chip or break, collect any loose pieces to bring with you to your appointment. We will attempt to restore as much natural material as possible, but we can also restore your tooth if you cannot recover the missing piece. Because this injury exposes the inner material of your tooth to oral bacteria, seek immediate treatment to help prevent infection.
Damaged Restorations
If you have a dental crown or filling that becomes loose or falls out, we can help repair or replace your damaged restoration. Because dental restorations perform the protective task of missing enamel, it is important to replace them as soon as possible. By keeping up with your general checkup schedule, you also provide periodic inspections of the status of your restorations.
Call Us Now For Any Dental Emergency
While a dental emergency can be frustrating, seeking immediate care can provide desirable relief. For additional information on what to do when you experience injury or trauma, please contact your Prairie Village, KS, dentist’s office at 913-901-8585. Our office is located on the southwest corner of 75th and State Line at the Crossroads of Prairie Village, Waldo, Brookside, Mission Hills, Leawood, and Overland Park.