Prompt Care When Your Tooth Is Cracked

How long can you wait to treat a tooth that has been cracked? Injuries vary in severity, but you should know that when you delay care, something that seems minor can turn into a bigger issue, which means you can experience more pain and find yourself in need of more involved dental work! At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can offer timely support, as we make emergency dental services available to our patients. You can reach out about a cracked tooth or any other kind of urgent matter to ensure that it is promptly and properly managed.

How Serious Is A Problem With A Cracked Tooth?

A problem with a cracked tooth should not be taken lightly. Your injury may seem minor at first, but you can experience worsening pain over time because of an infection, or you can have difficulties because your already vulnerable enamel is damaged further. In other words, you should take the matter seriously even when it feels as if the problem is not pressing. The good news is that when the injury is less severe, you can avoid the need for more involved treatment by having it addressed in a timely manner.

Scheduling Your Emergency Dental Appointment

After reaching out to explain what has happened, we can make arrangements for you to come in and receive emergency dental treatment. Dr. Browne will closely examine your cracked tooth to see what kind of treatment should occur. Physical injuries can sometimes be addressed with cosmetic dental work, a more conservative approach that can minimize permanent alterations to your tooth structure. We should note that while this is an option, we are also prepared to act and provide prompt care if you have a more serious injury and require more involved treatment.

Why Your Treatment May Require Root Canal Therapy

If your crack makes you vulnerable to an infection, you can find that you need root canal therapy to fully put the problem behind you. We can provide this service in order to resolve problems within the tooth structure, and we can follow this care with dental crown placement, which can restore the tooth’s appearance and bite function.

Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist Can Care For You If Your Tooth Is Cracked!

Cracked enamel is not something that should be taken lightly. When you experience a dental injury, it leaves your tooth structure more vulnerable to further harm, and it also puts you at risk for infection! Fortunately, you can have the matter dealt with promptly when you experience dental harm. We can make sure that the matter is fully treated so that your tooth is protected and you are free from concerns about infection, discomfort, or additional damage. For more information on how emergency treatment benefits you, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.