Our Response To A Dental Emergency

If your tooth is aching or physically harmed, what can you do to secure timely service? The already stressful experience of a dental emergency can feel even more frustrating when you are not sure what support is available to you. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can help you avoid this difficult experience, as we provide services on short notice! We can respond to a range of issues with teeth that are broken, partially or fully dislodged, or affected by significant decay. In addition to making sure the tooth in question’s health is restored, we can take care to provide work that will preserve your appearance!

You Can Count On Us For Emergency Dental Work

Our office can certainly help you with routine oral health services, and we are happy to make appointments and provide the appropriate restorative dental work when a cavity or other issue needs to be addressed. With that said, we know there are times when patients will need to seek help in the shortest time possible. In these situations, know that you can reach out to schedule emergency oral health services. After you arrive, we can provide an evaluation and determine what kind of support is right for you based on your condition. Our goal for planned and urgent care is to provide lasting support with the most conservative treatment we can recommend.

Dealing With An Injured, Aching, Or Dislodged Tooth

There are different problems that can make prompt care from your dentist necessary. Some of the reasons you can require emergency dental work can include:

  • Significant pain and/or sensitivity from an infected tooth
  • Damage to your enamel that leaves a tooth chipped, cracked, or broken
  • A partially or completely dislodged tooth

If you find yourself in need of help, contact our practice promptly. We can prepare for your arrival and offer guidance on protecting a vulnerable tooth and managing discomfort. At your appointment, Dr. Browne will evaluate you to determine what the right solution is to your particular problem and proceed to offer care!

Your Treatment Can Restore Your Smile And Oral Health

Whether you qualify for conservative cosmetic dental work to address a physical injury or need to have a broken or infected tooth extracted and replaced, we can take care to preserve your smile. When you need a dental crown or even a prosthetic tooth, we can offer treatment with a restoration that actually imitates healthy enamel and provides you with confidence in the way you look as well as important bite support!

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Emergency Dental Work

There are times when a dental problem is too painful or too distracting to put off treating. If you find yourself in this kind of situation, you should know that Dr. Browne is prepared to help! To find out more about how we can provide emergency oral health care when it is needed, reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.