Bringing A Lost Tooth To Your Dentist

Any dental injury is cause for concern, but the loss of a tooth can be especially upsetting. If this is a problem you have to endure, know that your Prairie Village, KS dentist is prepared to help. While a tooth can be saved after it is knocked out, the time it takes you to arrange and undergo care will affect your chance to regain your full smile. Because we provide emergency dental services, we can make treatment more likely to end with your tooth being returned to its socket. With that said, you should take care to properly handle a tooth when it is dislodged. In the event we cannot save your tooth, we can discuss prosthetic work that can give you a complete, confident smile.

Is There Any Chance My Dislodged Tooth Can Be Restored?

You should bring your tooth to your emergency dental appointment, as we may be able to return it to its socket and restore your smile. This is not always the case, unfortunately, as the time spent out of place and the degree of damage can affect the odds of a successful placement. Be careful when handling your tooth, and take care to see your dentist as soon as possible after your injury to improve your odds of a successful procedure!

Carrying A Lost Tooth Safely

When you carry a tooth, only handle the crown – the portion that is always above your gum line – and not the roots. If you need to clean your tooth after you pick it up, be gentle when rinsing it with warm water and be careful NOT to remove any organic tissue. To keep the tooth from drying out too soon, you can carry it in a small container of milk.

Emergency Care Can Lead To The Restoration Of Your Smile And Oral Health

At an emergency appointment, your dentist can restore your oral health by returning a tooth to its socket, or restoring the health of a damaged but still secure tooth. Even if there is not a way to save your full smile, urgent care can shorten the time it takes to address a potentially serious matter. Through prosthetic dental work, we can provide a permanent restoration that supports your bite function and also restores the way you look!

Dr. Browne Is Ready To Help You During Your Dental Emergency!

If you experience a dental emergency, Dr. Browne is prepared to restore your smile and oral health, even when you have a tooth that is completely dislodged. If you wish to learn more about our approach to urgent care, or if you have any other questions about the services that we provide, please call our Prairie Village, KS office at 913-901-8585.