Category: Emergency Dentistry

What Is A Dental Emergency?

prairie village dental emergency

What constitutes a dental emergency, and when should you see our team for treatment? We offer care for dental emergencies to protect smiles from worsening pain and serious complications, but when should you make an appointment? In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist looks at common dental emergencies and how you should respond to… Read more »

Preparing For A Dental Emergency

Isolated shot of amazed beautiful female with curly blonde hair, keeps fore finger on lower lip, listens someone attentively, dressed in blue sweater, isolated over yellow background. Emotions

It goes without saying that the last thing a person wants to experience in their life is probably the loss of one or more teeth. Indeed, dental emergencies can arise at any given time, and depending on the circumstances, can vary in terms of severity. Fortunately, our team is ready to help. In today’s blog,… Read more »

How Do I Stop Discomfort From A Dental Emergency?

prairie village dental emergencies

Dental emergencies can include cracked, chipped, or even knocked-out teeth. They need immediate attention from a dental professional, but what about the immediate aftermath? What can you do to ease discomfort? In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about easing your initial discomfort!

Limiting Your Risk Of A Dental Emergency

prairie village dental emergencies

Our team has experience in treating common dental emergencies, so you avoid complications like tooth decay and dental infection down the road. But you could also take a few steps to help limit the risks of an injury, safeguarding your smile. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about emergency dentistry.

I Have A Dental Emergency, What Now?

prairie village dental emergency

A dental emergency rarely happens at a convenient time. But then again, is there ever a convenient time to crack, chip, or knock out a tooth? What happens after you sustain an injury, what should you do? In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about who to respond properly to a dental emergency.

How Do We Repair Dental Emergencies?

prairie village dental emergencies

When a tooth develops a dental emergency, such as becoming cracked or chipped, or even being knocked loose or out, then you need treatment to avoid complications and discomfort. But how will our team address these common dental emergencies? In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about how we use restorative treatment and… Read more »

Repairing Smiles With Chipped Teeth

Prairie Village chipped teeth

When you have chipped a tooth, even if this injury seems minor, we still urge you to schedule a visit with our team. Even minor chips and cracks could leave a smile vulnerable to cavities and dental infections. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, emergency dentist talks about taking on your chipped tooth.

How To Respond To A Knocked-Out Tooth

prairie village dental emergency

When a tooth is knocked loose or knocked out, you need to see our team for a dental emergency visit. Otherwise, major complications could arise in your smile! But our team can help return the tooth to your smile and avoid major complications. In today’s blog, your emergency dental clinic in Prairie Village, KS talks… Read more »

Renew Your Oral Health After Injury

renew your oral health prairie village ks

Sometimes, things happen; when this involves damage to your smile, it could put you at real risk of a few different concerns. So, if you’ve recently cracked or broken a tooth, then it’s time to talk to your dentist about available avenues to renew your oral health. When you wait, bacterial growth can start to… Read more »

Move Past A Broken Tooth

Move past a broken tooth

Sometimes, when you damage one or more of your natural teeth, it feels like the world stops spinning for a moment. In other instances, it might seem like minimal enamel damage that you can live with. Unfortunately, without the help of a trained and experienced dental provider, you cannot know the difference between significant or… Read more »