What Is A Dental Emergency?

prairie village dental emergency

What constitutes a dental emergency, and when should you see our team for treatment? We offer care for dental emergencies to protect smiles from worsening pain and serious complications, but when should you make an appointment? In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist looks at common dental emergencies and how you should respond to them, so you can protect your smile!

Chipped/Cracked Teeth

When a tooth is chipped or cracked, you need to see us right away. For a chipped tooth, you should rinse with warm water and try to recover any pieces you can, bring them with you to the office. A piece of cloth or gauze could be used to stem any bleeding, and a cold compress or ice pack could control facial swelling. If you sustain an injury and no damage is visible, consider an appointment as cracks are often invisible to the naked eye.

Objects Caught Between the Teeth

If you have something caught between your teeth that you cannot remove with floss, let us know. Don’t use anything other than floss to try and dislodge the object, as this could damage the teeth or gums.

Knocked Loose/Out Teeth

If a tooth is knocked loose or out, again rinse with warm water. You can control the bleeding with cloth or gauze, and again control facial swelling with a cold compress. If the tooth is out completely, you can pick it up by the crone, not the root, and place it in a glass of milk or salt water.

Compromised Restorations/Prosthetics

If a crown or filling is loose or missing, let us know, try to avoid very hot or cold foods, or items high in sugar, as the exposed tooth is very sensitive.

Sudden Pain

When you have sudden pain in a smile, again let us ow right away! You can rinse with warm water sand floss on each side of the tooth. If this fails to bring relief, schedule a visit. With all of these situations, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Even they happen outside of normal business hours, the call right away and leave a message. We will reach out with a time to see you. If you have any questions about how we take on common dental emergencies, then contact our team today to learn more.

Learn More About Emergency Dental Care

Our team is ready to help take on your emergency dental situation and provide relief, so you avoid complications like tooth decay or dental infection. To schedule your next appointment with our team or to learn more about treating dental emergencies, contact Robert M. Browne DDS in Prairie Village, KS by calling (913) 901-8585. We want to help you and your family enjoy your best possible smiles!