It goes without saying that the last thing a person wants to experience in their life is probably the loss of one or more teeth. Indeed, dental emergencies can arise at any given time, and depending on the circumstances, can vary in terms of severity. Fortunately, our team is ready to help. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS emergency dentist discusses the important things to try and keep in mind in the event an emergency occurs and explains how you can prioritize your oral health.
Develop a Contingency Plan
As previously mentioned, an emergency can arise at any given time and occur to anyone. Due to the emergent nature, it is difficult to anticipate accidents before they occur. Though you may not be able to plan when an emergency will happen, developing a contingency plan can help you know what to do if one were to occur.
An accident can lead to a number of oral health complications. This can include a completely knocked-out tooth, cracked, chipped, or broken teeth, damage/trauma to the tissues surrounding your structures, and more. When an accident occurs, you may initially react with panic or be in shock. These are completely normal responses, and factoring them into your contingency plan will help set you up for success when obtaining timely emergency care. For more information about what to consider when planning treatment for an unexpected accident, give our office a call today.
Identify Who Can Help
Another important element to consider when preparing for the unexpected is identifying a person or two that can be of help. This might include a partner or sibling if you live with others, or a neighbor or nearby friend. It is important to identify who can help early on for a few different reasons, including being able to calmly communicate with our office on your behalf following the accident. This person can also help take you to and from our office, which will likely be necessary if our team has to utilize anesthesia, as you will not be able to drive yourself following the procedure.
If a Tooth is Broken or Knocked Out
In the event a tooth is completely knocked out or broken, you will likely experience significant pain or discomfort. That being said, it is much better to act sooner rather than later when it comes to seeking emergency treatment. Not all dentist offices offer emergency dental care, but our team recognizes the importance of accessibility and strives to assist all patients as best we can.
Learn More Today
A dental emergency can arise at any given time, and planning for the unexpected can help you find treatment and relief sooner. To schedule your next appointment with our team or to learn more about what steps you can take during a dental emergency, contact Robert M. Browne DDS in Prairie Village, KS by calling (913) 901-8585.