When a tooth develops a dental emergency, such as becoming cracked or chipped, or even being knocked loose or out, then you need treatment to avoid complications and discomfort. But how will our team address these common dental emergencies? In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist talks about how we use restorative treatment and more to address dental emergencies.
Common Injuries
Often, dental emergencies include issues that damage a tooth, such as accidents leaving them cracked, chipped, or broken. Even if no damage is apparent following an injury to your face or jaw, consider an appointment as most dental fractures are practically invisible to the naked eye. Treatment is necessary because otherwise the tooth’s sensitive inner structures are exposed to harmful oral bacteria, which leaves them vulnerable to tooth decay and dental infection, which could lead to discomfort and even tooth loss. You should rinse with warm water, use gauze or cloth to control bleeding, and place a cold compress to the side of the face to reduce swelling. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, and give our team a call, even outside of normal business hours, so we can call you back with an appointment time.
Restorative Treatment
With restorative treatments, our team can repair the tooth. For a minor injury, we could use dental bonding to offer lifelike repair in only one visit. If you have more substantial injuries, we could create and place a custom dental crown. If the injury is minor and mainly cosmetic, we could also discuss treatment with a porcelain veneer, which instantly transforms the shape and color of your tooth.
Tooth Extraction
If for some reason the tooth cannot be repaired, then we could offer tooth extraction to gently remove it before it causes infection to reach other teeth or move into the jawbone. Our team could discuss treatment to replace the tooth and offer a full smile again.
Replacing Teeth
As we mentioned above, if we need to extract a tooth because it cannot be repaired, we could discuss replacement to fill the gap and keep your smile intact. With dental implants, we insert a new root directly into the jaw, and then complete it with a custom crown, so you have a durable and lifelike replacement that can last for years to come. If you have any questions about how we address dental emergencies, then contact our team today to learn more.
Schedule Your Emergency Visit Dr. Browne, D.D.S. In Prairie Village!
Our team can help return your tooth to full function, health, and beauty, sometimes in as little as one visit. To find out more about how we repair teeth that have been damaged or knocked-out, call Dr. Browne’s office in Prairie Village, KS at 913-901-8585 today.