Renew Your Oral Health After Injury

renew your oral health prairie village ksSometimes, things happen; when this involves damage to your smile, it could put you at real risk of a few different concerns. So, if you’ve recently cracked or broken a tooth, then it’s time to talk to your dentist about available avenues to renew your oral health. When you wait, bacterial growth can start to invade the affected tooth, and when these little microorganisms reach the root, it can lead to a seriously painful toothache. Before this happens, make an appointment with your dentist; but what happens when it’s outside of their normal hours?

When you need dental assistance fast, call our emergency dental clinic in Prairie Village, KS. We can help you to understand your next steps after cracking, breaking, or fully dislodging one or more of your natural teeth. Time is of the essence when it comes to damaged smiles, so make sure that you’re doing your part to find your restoration solution.

Find your repair. Renew your oral health with Dr. Browne, D.D.S.!

Waiting With A Broken Tooth is Dangerous

Even if it feels like a small chip, it’s still a good idea to meet with your oral health team to talk about your next steps. While your damage might seem minimal, without the assistance of a trusted dentist, you cannot be certain, so it’s important to come in for an examination to determine your damage. This way, you can work with a qualified dental professional to determine your next steps.

Putting off your exam after breaking a tooth can put you at real risk of developing a bacterial infection, which can, in turn, cause major problems for your smile. As bacteria move through the bulk of your tooth, they cause deterioration, and they eventually reach the root. At this point, you may start to experience pain or discomfort at the area, and then, it’s time to talk to your dentist about a root canal treatment procedure.

Renew Your Oral Health With A Dental Crown

When you come to see your dentist for an examination after cracking or breaking a tooth, they may recommend a dental crown to restore it. Dental crowns are durable caps that providers permanently cement atop existing material, providing additional functional support and a refreshed appearance. At our office, we have a range of options when it comes to crown material, so be sure to ask about all of your options.

Come See Dr. Browne, D.D.S. In Prairie Village!

If you’ve injured yourself, or if tooth decay has left you with a cracked or broken tooth, we’re here to help you find a way forward. To find out more about your next steps during a dental emergency, call Dr. Browne’s office in Prairie Village, KS at 913-901-8585 today.