Move Past A Broken Tooth

Move past a broken toothSometimes, when you damage one or more of your natural teeth, it feels like the world stops spinning for a moment. In other instances, it might seem like minimal enamel damage that you can live with. Unfortunately, without the help of a trained and experienced dental provider, you cannot know the difference between significant or cosmetic damage. And while you wait to see your dentist, bacteria could be making their way through the broken tooth to the pulp, where they can cause a seriously nasty toothache.

When you experience damage to your smile due to injury or decay, call our emergency dental clinic in Prairie Village, KS. We can help you to make sense of the situation and take steps to move past a broken tooth. Whether you have had a small chip or a major break, seeing your dentist soon after your event can be a real help. Don’t let your broken tooth wait any longer.

Restore your smile. Call Dr. Browne, D.D.S. today.

When You Break A Tooth, It’s Time To Call

If you managed to crack or break a tooth during the holiday season, you are definitely not the only one. The Christmastime is a risky one for smiles due to a range of factors, including stress, travel, and close proximity to children with sharp elbows. That means that the start of the year is a big time for restoration, and we’re here to help you if you have experienced damage to one or more of your natural teeth.

It is important to be sure that you do not wait very long to speak with your provider. While you wait to make your appointment, harmful bacteria could start to damage the structure of the tooth. Eventually, these microorganisms reach the pulp within, causing a painful toothache that may require a root canal treatment process.

Renewing Your Smile With A Durable Dental Crown

When teeth become broken, they can no longer keep themselves safe from infection. It’s now up to the work of a talented dentist to repair the situation, and often, this is done with the use of a dental crown. These sturdy solutions are caps that are cemented to existing damaged material, providing a new chewing surface. Dental crowns can also blend in with the shade of your natural enamel, so be sure to ask about all of your options before your procedure. We have a range of possibilities to help you renew your smile.

Repair That Broken Tooth With Dr. Browne!

If you managed to damage one or more of your teeth over the holidays, now’s your time to talk restoration. For more information on your options in repairing a broken tooth, call Dr. Browne’s office in Prairie Village, KS at 913-901-8585 today.