When you crack or break one of your natural teeth, it can feel like the world stops spinning for a minute. But if you have experienced damage, it’s time for action; take the time to talk to a trusted oral health professional after this happens. Your dentist has the tools and training that you need to find your smile restoration, and we’re ready to help you renew your broken tooth. It all starts with a phone call to our team.
Ready to renew your oral health emphasis? Our emergency dental clinic in Prairie Village, KS is here to help you after you’ve damaged a tooth through injury or decay. The start of the new year is your chance to make some changes, and when that means talking about a dental crown, give us a call.
Find your smile restoration. Call our front desk today.
A Broken Tooth Is A Serious Issue
Sometimes, experiencing damage to your teeth does not feel like an immediate emergency. But even if you feel that you’ve just cracked or chipped one of your natural teeth, it does not mean that you can handle it yourself. Even if it is something purely cosmetic, you do not have the training and expertise to be certain.
If you have lost the protection of your enamel, you become at risk of developing an infection within the interior of the tooth. This is because your enamel naturally provides a barrier that blocks bacteria; without it, these harmful microorganisms can make their way through the dentin and into the soft tissue known as pulp. There’s a nerve here, and if the infection reaches it, you could start to experience some real dental pain, so talk to your dentist quickly after you break or crack a tooth.
Find Your Smile Restoration With A Trusted Team
When you damage your smile, the first person to call is your dentist. They can help you to make sense of the situation so that you can make positive moves moving forward. And if you need someone right away, reach out to our team to find out a little bit more about your options.
One of the most popular smile restoration solutions is the placement of a durable dental crown. These keep damaged tooth together and provide a beautiful new external surface. We even have choices that blend in with your natural enamel shade, so ask about all of your options.
Schedule An Appointment With Dr. Browne Today
Leaving a broken tooth alone is a risky move. Talk to a trusted oral health team about ways to renew your smile. To find out more about ways to find your smile restoration solution, call Dr. Browne’s office in Prairie Village, KS at 913-901-8585 today.