Know Where To Turn In A Dental Emergency

know where to turn dental emergencyWhen you injure your smile, it can feel like the whole world stops spinning for a moment. It can be a really tough experience, and a dental emergency can be made worse by not knowing where to turn. Your smile is a vital part of your oral and overall health, so it is important to reach out to a trusted dental professional quickly after cracking or breaking a tooth. And if you have fully dislodged one, then the clock is ticking on your smile renewal. It’s time to talk to a dentist.

If you have recently cracked or broken one or more of your natural teeth, call our emergency dental clinic in Prairie Village, KS. We can help you to find your way to restoration, and we understand the value of having a complete, healthy smile. While you wait to speak with a qualified dental health professional about your damaged material, you put yourself at risk of developing a nasty infection deep within your tooth. To find out more or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today!

Your Enamel Plays A Big Part In A Safe Smile

Enamel is the hardest material found in your body, even tougher than bone. But that does not mean that it can’t experience damage, either due to injury or tooth decay, and when it does, it becomes a significant oral health issue. This is because your natural enamel does a lot for your smile, forming the durable outer covering of the tooth.

When enamel is lost in an area, it leaves you open for infection. Bacterial growth can start to make its way through the softer dentin toward the soft, fleshy center called the pulp. In this area, microorganisms can thrive, causing major damage. This infection can cause a major toothache or worse, putting your smile at risk. Working with a dentist quickly after breaking or cracking a tooth can help.

Renew Your Broken Tooth With A Dental Crown

The most important thing to remember after damaging your smile is to call a dentist quickly. Time can get away from us all, and once infection has set in, then you a root canal treatment become a necessity to save the affected tooth. When you see your dentist after breaking a tooth, they may recommend a dental crown. These are sturdy caps that renew chewing function and appearance, helping you to experience a safer, fuller smile. Be sure to ask about all of your options in dental crown material!

Dental Emergency? Call An Emergency Dentist Right Now!

If you’ve cracked or broken a tooth, your clock is ticking. To find out more about restoration after a dental emergency, call Dr. Browne’s office in Prairie Village, KS at 913-901-8585.