Renew Your Smile Quickly

repair your smile prairie village ksA chipped, cracked, or broken tooth can become a real problem for the lasting health of your smile. When you lose the protection of your natural enamel, you put yourself at risk of developing an infection deep within the tooth. which can cause a painful toothache or worse. So, if you’ve recently experienced an injury, or if tooth decay has caused one of your fillings to fall out, you want to seek care from a professional quickly

Even while you wait for an appointment, your oral health is at risk, and our emergency dental clinic in Prairie Village, KS is here to help. We offer care for those in need of an urgent repair, helping people to find their restoration solution in less time. The bacteria naturally present in your mouth can easily cause further damage to broken or cracked teeth, so be proactive in your care with a trusted emergency dentist. To set aside some time to talk, give us a call today.

When You Break A Tooth, It’s time To Call Your Dentist

A broken tooth is more than just an inconvenience. It can lead to some very serious oral health concerns, and that is why it is so important to make an appointment for an examination quickly after you experience a break or a crack. Your enamel acts as a protective barrier, but once it’s damaged, harmful microorganisms can make their way through the dentin and reach the sensitive pulp. This can lead to infection that causes a major toothache that will not go away.

When it does, your dentist may recommend a root canal treatment procedure to stop the nagging pain and prevent reinfection. This includes the removal of your pulp, which is the fleshy interior of the tooth, as well as the nerve that has been causing your toothache. After the damaged portion of your tooth has been taken, the connections between the tooth and the jaw are sealed shut.

Renew Your Smile With A Dental Crown That Blends In

While root canal treatments often get a bad reputation, they are highly effective at correcting a problem tooth after a break or a crack. After a root canal treatment procedure, you will likely require a dental crown to keep the area safe from further breaks. These are durable caps that, when placed atop your damaged tooth, provide a new chewing surface and appearance of a normal healthy tooth. Aska bout all of your restoration options at your appointment.

Find Your Repair With Dr. Browne, D.D.S.

If you have recently cracked or broken one of your natural teeth, give us a call. To find out more or to set aside some time to talk, reach us at Dr. Browne’s office in Prairie Village, KS at 913-901-8585.