Knocked Out A Tooth? We’re Here To Help

Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency care for patients

A harsh blow to the face can be painful and can lead to one of your pearly whites being broken or, in some cases, knocked out completely. When one of your teeth has been lost due to a serious injury, it can be quite a stressful situation. For one thing, you were probably not expecting this to happen. You may be concerned with protecting the area from an infection and replacing the structure before it causes problems for your smile. Dr. Browne’s team in Prairie Village, KS, is here today to explain what to do in a situation like this.

Keep The Area Clean & Minimize Swelling

Your teeth are very strong, but they are not immune from damage. Sports-related incidents, falls, or biting into hard foods can lead to cracking or losing one of your pearly whites. When this happens to you, it’s important to know how to manage the situation. The area may bleed because of the traumatic event. You can help keep the area clean and minimize bleeding by applying cloth to the area. If necessary, you can use a cold compress to keep swelling down and over-the-counter pain reducers to alleviate discomfort.

Call Your Dentist Right Away

After this, you will need to schedule an emergency appointment with your dentist. This situation should not be put off until your next checkup, as the area could become infected or cause changes in the function and appearance of your smile. When you come in for an urgent visit with your dentist, they will carefully examine the area and discuss your options. In some cases, the tooth may be re-rooted into the socket. If this is not possible, there are prosthetic replacement options available to renew your smile. A gap between your teeth can make it difficult to chew and speak, so replacing your lost dental structure is essential.

Prosthetic Options To Replace Your Lost Tooth

The type of prosthesis used for this restoration will depend on how many teeth were lost, your oral health history, and other personal factors. Options like a dental bridge or partial dentures may be able to replace several of your pearly whites. A bridge can replace up to three in the same row, and a partial set of dentures can fill in the gaps around your existing healthy teeth. Patients who qualify may be able to receive implant-retained prostheses, which recreate your entire missing dental structure. The titanium post can mimic the lost root and is connected to the false tooth.

Schedule An Emergency Visit With Dr. Browne

When you injure your smile don’t put off treatment. Dr. Browne’s team in Prairie Village, KS, is experienced in urgent restoration. Call our team today at (913) 901-8585 to schedule an appointment.