Find Repair For Your Dental Emergency

dental emergency prairie village ksYou spend a lot of time making sure that your smile is safe. You make the effort in brushing twice each day, and you never skip your flossing. But even with the biggest dedication to your oral health hygiene routine, you could still experience a cracked or broken tooth. Injuries happen, and sometimes, tooth decay can cause a filling to come loose; there are many different ways that you can compromise your cuspids. The most important thing you can do is to call your provider quickly after you damage your smile.

When you need a renewal, our emergency dental clinic in Prairie Village, KS is here to help. We provide a range of urgent oral healthcare services, all designed to better your oral health after experiencing an injury or damage due to decay. While you wait, bacteria start to invade your broken tooth, putting you at risk of developing a serious infection deep within your pulp. When that hits the nerve, it can cause a majorly painful toothache, so take steps to avoid further damage. Give our office a call today!

A Broken Tooth Should Not Be Ignored. Here’s Why.

Your natural enamel does a few different jobs for your smile. Firstly, it provides the sturdiness and stability that you need to be able to properly chew. It also has another task, which is to block bacteria from making their way into the more vulnerable areas within your tooth. This is the hardest material in your body, but it can still become damaged, and when it does, it allows harmful microorganisms in.

When an infection starts within the tooth, your body has a hard time fighting it. This situation can lead to a seriously painful toothache that simply will not end with traditional over-the-counter medications. At this point, you may require a root canal treatment process to remove the compromised material and keep yourself safe.

Renewing Your Smile After A Dental Emergency

It is hard to overstate how important it is to speak with your dentist after you break, crack, or even lose a tooth. While you wait after your dental emergency, you leave yourself at risk of infection, and you lower your likelihood of smile success. So, when you know something is wrong, it is time to meet with your oral health team for an examination.

At your appointment, your provider may recommend a dental crown. If so, be sure to ask about all of your options in crown material. There are even some that blend in with the natural shade of your enamel!

Find Your Repair With Dr. Browne, D.D.S

Renew your smile after experiencing a dental emergency. To find out more about us or to talk more about your teeth, call Dr. Browne’s office in Prairie Village, KS at 913-901-8585.