Broken Tooth Vs Chipped Tooth: Knowing The Difference

Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers emergency care In our last blog, we talked about what to do if you chip one of your pearly whites. This injury can be alarming but is often a less severe issue that can be restored with the help of bonding or a crown. Breaking or fracturing one of your pearly whites can be stressful, too, but your Prairie Village, KS, emergency dental team is here to help you.

Chips Cause Damage To Your Enamel

Any injury to your tooth should be examined and treated as soon as possible. However, knowing the difference in the type of harm that has occurred can help you determine how to handle the situation. Chipping one of your pearly whites means a small amount of your enamel has been broken off. This type of damage is often not too severe and many only cause cosmetic issues. You may experience some mild discomfort initially, but you can apply a cold compress to alleviate pain, and it may go away after visiting your dentist. In many cases, your dentist may be able to restore the area by adding composite resin to reshape the structure.

A Break Can Cause Serious Discomfort

Breaking one of your pearly whites can be a more serious injury than a simple chip. This can happen if you have been hit in the face, have bitten into something hard, or have worn your teeth down due to grinding. When you break a tooth, a large amount of it can crack or come off, causing severe discomfort. It’s important that you come in for an urgent dental visit as soon as possible because leaving this untreated can increase your risk of the area becoming infected or further damaged. While you wait for your appointment, you may be able to add a cold compress and take pain reducers and apply cloth if the area is bleeding.

We Can Help Repair The Injury

If this happens to you, do your best to remain calm and call your dentist as soon as possible. The team may be able to give you additional care instructions as you wait for your appointment. When you come in, your dentist will thoroughly examine the area and assess the injury. In many cases, a dental crown can be used to address a broken tooth. This is a cap that goes over your dental structure to protect it from further harm. If the damage is more severe and cannot be restored, removing it may be a preferred option and it can later be replaced with a prosthetic.

We’re Here When You Need Emergency Care

Whether you’ve knocked out a tooth or have slightly chipped it, we’re here to help restore your smile. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS, today at 913-901-8585.