We Can Help You Relieve Your Toothache

Frustrated young man touching toothache

Waking up with a severe toothache can be quite a shock. You may not anticipate this problem and wonder how quickly it will go away. If your symptoms last more than a day, you should call us right away for an emergency examination. Dental pain is a common symptom of a dangerous infection that left alone, risks spreading to other parts of the body. If we discover bacterial deposits in the pulp chamber of your tooth, we can perform root canal therapy to clear all foreign material. After sealing your tooth to restore your bite, your pain should subside as your tooth regains its strength. Please do not wait until your next checkup to treat this problem because time is of the essence when stopping your infection.

At your Prarie Village, KS, dental practice, we know that emergencies can happen when you least expect them. That’s why we provide services outside of standard office hours to help maintain your oral health and relieve any sudden pain. If you have an infection or other injury like physical trauma, do not wait to seek treatment. When you call our practice, we will tell you how to best prepare for your visit and any steps you may take to relieve your pain before arriving at our office.

How Bacteria Infects Your Tooth

When a tooth is healthy, its outer enamel layer takes on hundreds of pounds from the force of your bite. This protection maintains its strength against physical forces, but your tooth can become damaged by chemical erosion due to poor oral hygiene. If you fail to remove plaque deposits that build daily by brushing your teeth, bacteria produce acids that wear away the enamel’s protective layer. Eventually, cavities form, and over time, they can expose the inner chamber of your tooth. At this point, oral bacteria can deposit there, creating a painful infection.

Root Canal Therapy Stops Your Infection

We can relieve your pain with root canal therapy to clear out all foreign bacteria. By accessing the inside of your tooth using special tools, we scrape any decay and place a gutta percha filler to prevent reinfection. Because this procedure permanently alters the structure of your tooth, we must place a seal to restore the integrity of your tooth’s outer layer. Typically we will place a dental crown to mimic your tooth’s natural appearance and return its biting strength.

Call Us Whenever You Experience A Dental Emergency

We are standing by to assist whenever you have a dental emergency. For more information on how we can remove infection and help resolve your pain, please contact your Prairie Village, KS, dentist’s office at (913) 901-8585. Our office is located on the southwest corner of 75th and State Line at the Crossroads of Prairie Village, Waldo, Brookside, Mission Hills, Leawood, and Overland Park.