Responding To Your Tooth Infection

Woman feeling tooth pain

The sudden onset of severe pain in one of your teeth can bring your life to a screeching halt. While your ability to think clearly may diminish from oral pain, having a plan to seek emergency dental care can help you find desirable relief. If you feel inclined to wait out this symptom, please reconsider. A constant toothache can indicate a serious infection that when untreated, can spread throughout other parts of your body. This means that timely care is of the essence in reducing the overall effects of your infection. Because your pain is caused by inflamed tissues impinging your sensitive dental nerves, root canal therapy can remove infected tissue to cure your symptoms and reduce your inflammation.

At your Prairie Village, KS dental practice, we are standing by to assist you whenever you need our services most. Because you cannot always predict when a dental emergency will occur, having our number at hand can expedite receiving quality care. We will inspect your tooth to determine the nature of your pain, and let you know what procedures can provide relief. When performing a root canal, we can reduce your symptoms by removing the infection and sealing your tooth to prevent bacterial access to the inner pulp chamber.

When Dental Pain Alerts You To An Infection

Tooth infections result from oral bacteria entering the inner chamber of your tooth’s pulp. Whether from decay or physical damage, any injury that breaks the protective seal of your tooth’s enamel can lead to this painful condition. Therefore, do not put off receiving restorative treatments such as dental fillings whenever your tooth is less than in good health. By visiting your dentist regularly, you can prevent the need for more involved future procedures like a root canal for infected teeth.

Removing The Source Of Your Dental Pain

Root canal therapy can remove oral bacteria infecting your tooth to reduce your pain and prevent infection in other parts of your body. To begin treatment, we apply a local anesthetic to the affected area. When performed properly, a root canal should not hurt more than any other standard dental procedure. Using special tools, we access the inner chamber to remove infected tissue and clean it within. We then apply a temporary seal to prevent reinfection until you can receive a permanent dental crown.

Contact Us Now To Help Treat Your Dental Emergency Right Away

Do not wait to seek treatment for your serious toothache. For more information on what to do for this emergency, please contact your Prairie Village, KS, dentist’s office at 913-901-8585. Our office is located on the southwest corner of 75th and State Line at the Crossroads of Prairie Village, Waldo, Brookside, Mission Hills, Leawood, and Overland Park.