Because they happen when you least expect, dental emergencies can cause serious anxiety when attempting to seek treatment. But by understanding the signs that require the attention of your dentist, you can gain confidence and remain more calm when finding relief from your injury. Left untreated, physical trauma or a painful infection can lead to much worse outcomes, so do not wait to have your emergency seen. There are steps you can take to preserve your injured area and prevent damage from compounding while you await care. Thus, when you deal with your injury as soon as you are able, you may be able to receive a more conservative treatment than if you wait until a general checkup.
At your Prairie Village, KS dental practice, we provide emergency dental care when you need it most. If you experience a sudden tooth injury, we can evaluate its status in your mouth, relieve painful symptoms, and provide a restoration when necessary. Remember that a dental emergency may not have to leave a permanent mark on your smile when treated effectively!
Knocked-Out Teeth
If you have an accident that knocks out one of your teeth, you may begin to bleed significantly from the mouth. Attempt to stem the bleeding with moist gauze placed upon the socket. If this does not control your bleeding, or you believe your injury to be life-threatening, call 911 or head to the emergency room of your nearest hospital. Elsewise, collect your missing tooth in a jar of milk or salt water for it’s preservation until you reach our office.
Chipped Or Broken Teeth
When you chip or crack a tooth, you may think about putting off treatment until you regularly see the dentist. This is unadvisable as even minor breaks in the surface of your tooth expose it to the possibility of infection from oral bacteria. Instead, collect any stray pieces of your tooth and schedule an emergency visit for immediate repair. We could apply dental bonding to repair your chip or provide a more significant restoration for more damaged teeth.
Missing Restoration
If you have a dental crown or filling that falls out, you should let us know right away. Because your restorations provide the seal that protects the health of your tooth, a missing restoration requires immediate care. Locate the missing piece to bring to your appointment if you can. When you stay on top of your routine exams, we will inspect your dental work to make sure that each remains secure in your mouth.
Call Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist For Treating Your Emergency
Whenever you experience a dental emergency, receiving prompt treatment can provide valuable relief from pain and help repair your tooth. For more information on what to do if your tooth becomes damaged, please call your Prairie Village, KS, dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.