Restorative Care When Your Tooth Is Knocked Out

It can be upsetting to endure any sort of dental trauma. With that said, few injuries concerning your smile can feel as upsetting as one that results in tooth loss. That gap in your smile can be alarming to look upon, and it can be difficult to deal with discomfort as well as your fear of a permanently altered appearance. The good news is that your access to emergency dental work can make this experience less taxing. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to help on short notice, and we can work to make sure your smile is fully restored even in the event a tooth cannot be saved.

Having A Tooth Knocked Out Can Be Upsetting, But Help Is Available

It is hard not to feel some alarm at having a tooth partially or fully knocked out of its socket. With that being said, it can be a more manageable issue when you know that you have support available in the form of emergency dental care. Our patients can count on us when they need to arrange services on short notice. Because we are available to help when the unexpected affects your smile, we can lower your risk for complications and generally make it easier for you to minimize the ultimate impact of your injury on your smile and oral health.

Receiving Prompt Smile Care When Your Tooth Is Lost, Knocked Loose, Or Broken

An appointment for a dental emergency can be when your tooth is injured, whether that injury takes the shape of broken tooth structure, partial dislodgement, or even the complete loss of your tooth. When this kind of problem occurs, or when you are affected by worrying dental pain or have something painfully wedged between teeth, we can make sure to see you on short notice. At your appointment, we will look for the most conservative solution to what troubles you. There are times when lost teeth can be set back in their sockets and restored, just as there are times when physical trauma can be treated with relatively minor cosmetic dental work. If there is not a way to preserve your full smile, we can still help by seeing to it that you have a lifelike prosthetic secured.

Restoring Your Complete Smile (Even When Your Tooth Cannot Be Saved)

Seeking prompt care and handling your dislodged tooth appropriately will improve your chances for keeping it in place after treatment. Make sure you only handle yours by the crown, not the root, and use warm saltwater or milk to keep it from drying out. If even these actions are not enough, we can look into options for care like implant dentistry to restore your full smile and well-being.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Treatment For A Dislodged Tooth

To learn more about how we can help you if your tooth is dislodged, reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.