Timely Care For Serious Oral Health Issues

A potentially serious problem with your smile should not be taken lightly. Ignoring warning signs of trouble in hopes that nothing is really wrong can have long-term consequences, as your oral health can worsen and create new complications. That can mean losing a tooth that is in a vulnerable state, or it can mean letting an infection grow more severe and affect more than just your oral health. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we are prepared to offer emergency dental treatment so that you can avoid complications.

Prompt Care For A Tooth Injury Or Infection Can Prevent Serious Complications

In a situation where your tooth is in pain and/or has suffered physical harm, emergency dentistry is available. Promptly treating these issues ensures that they will be addressed before there are complications that threaten them, your overall smile, and even your health! Trouble with bacteria from an infection can worsen as those microbes move through the roots and reach different parts of your body. If a tooth is not restored in time, its health can worsen and it can suffer more physical harm, leading to its loss.

What To Expect At Your Emergency Appointment

Your emergency dental appointment will see Dr. Browne both evaluate you and determine what can be done to take care of the problems you face. The care we offer can range from more conservative cosmetic dentistry to advanced care that includes root canal treatment. In the event that you need it, we can even begin the process of restoring your smile by extracting a tooth and preparing you for the placement of a permanent, lifelike prosthetic appliance. Remember that if you put off your appointment, trouble with a vulnerable or injured tooth is more likely to progress in severity. In other words, an emergency appointment booked after you prolonged care is more likely to require more involved work than an appointment booked soon after you became aware that something was seriously wrong.

How We Can Help When Your Tooth Cannot Be Saved

We will look at tooth extraction and replacement as a last resort when there is not a more conservative way to restore your oral health. A safe, professionally performed extraction can prevent complications and injury, and it can reduce any overall discomfort that you experience. Because our options for prosthetic work include work with dental implants, we can offer long-term stability and bite support without modifying neighboring teeth.

Talk To Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist About Prompt Treatment For A Serious Problem!

By talking to us about your potential dental emergency, we can help you secure the right care and protect yourself against complications that threaten your appearance and overall well-being. If you would like to find out more, reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.