Why Your Dental Emergency May Call For A Root Canal

What kind of care should you expect to receive when you see your dentist about a dental emergency? The right treatment may be one that addresses internal problems with the tooth. Root canal therapy is often included in work to restore a tooth that is in pain, or one that has experienced physical trauma. Through this procedure, your Prairie Village, KS dentist can remove harmful bacteria as well as damaged tissues within your pulp. This protects the tooth from a problem that could make an extraction necessary! In addition to providing this procedure, we can make sure that the tooth remains protected by supporting it with a custom dental crown.

What Can Root Canal Therapy Do For Your Tooth?

Through a root canal procedure, our practice can remove bacteria that have gathered in your tooth’s pulp. Patients who make appointments for emergency dental work often require root canals. If your reason for scheduling care is related to pain, your discomfort could be the symptom of an infection. Injuries also make patients vulnerable to infection, or lead to internal harm that must be addressed. While this procedure can make some uneasy, you should know that with dental sedation, we can help you remain relaxed and free of discomfort as you undergo care.

Arranging Treatment For An Injury Or Serious Toothache

If your tooth is in significant pain, or if you experience an injury, you can reach out to our practice to let us know what is happening. When you arrive, we can check on the tooth to determine if a root canal procedure is necessary, then move forward with your restorative dental work. By arranging your procedure promptly, you shorten the amount of time you have to spend in pain, and you protect yourself against potential complications!

Restoring Your Tooth After A Root Canal Is Performed

Once a root canal procedure is performed, your tooth will need to be protected. This work causes more change to your tooth structure than we can address with a dental filling. Dental crowns provide more support for teeth, as they completely cover them above your gum line. To make sure that your treatment does not create problems for your smile, we can provide a dental crown that matches your enamel if the tooth is in a visible space.

Dr. Browne Is Ready To Care For Your Tooth During An Emergency

Dr. Browne is prepared to help patients when they find themselves in need of treatment for a potentially serious oral health problem. When necessary, we can restore a problem tooth through root canal therapy, then make sure it stays safe by providing a custom dental crown. To find out more, please call our Prairie Village, KS dental office at 913-901-8585.