Arranging Urgent Care For Your Injured Tooth

You can be free of problems with your oral health, and confident in your dental care regimen, until you experience a tooth injury. Trauma can put you in an unpleasant situation – instead of having nothing to worry about, you now want to arrange a trip to your dentist as soon as possible. You can be happy to know that if you find yourself in this situation, your Prairie Village, KS dentist is prepared to help. Our practice provides emergency services to patients who experience tooth injuries. After contacting us and explaining what has happened, we can make sure you have access to treatment in the shortest time possible.

Dental Injuries Can Be Scary – Your Dentist Can Help

It can be hard to think clearly about what you should do after an injury. You may be in pain and trying to control bleeding while also thinking about how your smile might be affected. One reason we want our patients to know they have access to emergency care is to make the experience of an injury less scary. When you know you can reach out to set up a visit on short notice, it can make everything before your appointment feel less scary.

Restoring A Chipped, Cracked, Or Broken Tooth

Patients who suffer damage to their tooth structure may have more to worry about than just their smile. It is possible for your injury to expose you to an infection, which can require root canal treatment. Once this work is completed, you can have the tooth restored with a custom dental crown. Dental crowns completely cover a tooth above your gum line, and provide lasting protection in addition to functional support. We do have the ability to provide lifelike crowns for patients who are concerned about their smile.

Can Emergency Care Save A Dislodged Tooth?

If you want to save your dislodged tooth, make sure you schedule treatment as soon as possible. In addition to doing this, be careful to only handle the tooth by its crown, gently rinse it without removing organic tissue, and use a small container of milk to keep it moist. Even with these steps, it may not be possible to save a tooth that has been badly damaged. In this situation, our goal can move from putting it back in place to providing you with a prosthetic dental restoration.

Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist Can Take Care Of Your Injured Tooth

Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is ready to help our patients when they experience dental emergencies. If you have injured your tooth and need to schedule care, reach out to us as soon as possible so that we can arrange the appropriate restorative services. Dr. Browne’s Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can be reached at 913-901-8585.