A Tooth Injury Can Be Painful And Scary – We Can Help

Some oral health problems, like tooth decay, can occur and worsen gradually over time. While it is important to take these problems seriously, it can be easy to recognize the threat without experiencing panic over what might happen to your smile, as the appropriate restorative dental work can be scheduled and provided. While it is hardly surprising to learn that your dentist provides cavity treatment, you may be unaware of what they can do for you if you experience a dental injury. Physical trauma can be sudden, and the combination of pain and concern over your broken tooth can make focusing on treatment difficult. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist understands how this experience can be upsetting, and you should know that our practice is prepared to meet with you on short notice if you experience a tooth injury!

The Importance Of Access To Emergency Dental Care

Emergency dental care can provide you with relief from discomfort, and give you a better chance of saving a tooth that has been dislodged or badly hurt. Once you arrive for care, we can assess the degree of harm you have experienced and determine how to best treat the tooth. Even if saving a tooth is not possible, your dentist can provide the appropriate treatment for the damage and make plans to restore your smile with a dental prosthetic.

Emergency Treatment Can Save A Loose Or Dislodged Tooth

While it is not always possible to save a tooth that is knocked loose, or completely knocked out, timely treatment can make saving a tooth more likely. To improve your chances of saving a tooth that is loose, be careful not to put pressure on it, and see if it can be (gently) set back in place before you arrive for your emergency appointment. If the tooth is completely knocked out, avoid touching its roots, and carry it in milk to keep it preserved.

Restoring A Broken And Painful Tooth

Even if a tooth is not in jeopardy of being lost, an injury that results in a tooth being chipped, cracked, or otherwise broken is still a concern. We can help you deal with this by addressing a potential infection through root canal treatment, and then by placing a dental crown. If you have concerns about the tooth’s visibility, you can be happy to know that we are able to provide lifelike restorations in order to preserve your smile.

Your Prairie Village, KS Dentist Can Provide Care After A Dental Injury

At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, patients who have experienced dental injuries are able to enjoy prompt care during emergency dental treatment. To find out more, or to learn how we can help you during a routine appointment, call Dr. Browne’s dental office today at 913-901-8585.