What Happens If I Can’t Save My Injured Tooth?

When it can be done, your dentist’s goal will be to save your tooth. Unfortunately, there are situations where this is just not possible. For instance, if you are not able to hold onto the tooth after it is dislodged, or if it is damaged to the point that it cannot be safely returned to its original position, a dental prosthetic will be required. Fortunately, your Prairie Village, KS dentist can provide you with important treatment after an emergency, and talk to you about making your smile complete once again. With a lifelike restoration held in place with a dental implant, you can feel confident in your appearance, and your dental function!

Seeking Care For Your Injury, And Planning Your Prosthetic Work

Emergency dental work is not just about restoring your smile. If you have a dental injury, your dentist can do the appropriate work to address discomfort, and help you heal properly. Returning your original tooth is the ideal end to emergency work, but when this cannot be done, your dentist will talk to you about how prosthetic dental work can help you.

How Dental Implants Help You Enjoy A Better Experience With Your Restoration

Dental implants make it possible to permanently hold a prosthetic tooth, as they create a stable link between your restoration, and your jawbone. This kind of support imitates what your natural teeth receive from their roots. In addition to helping you feel comfortable, and providing stability, dental implant-held prosthetic teeth can help you maintain the health of your jawbone. This is thanks to the implant’s ability to stimulate the bone during regular actions like biting and chewing. That stimulation, formerly produced by the root of your tooth, encourages the delivery of nutrients to your jawbone.

Dr. Browne Can Help You If You Lose A Tooth Due To Injury

Patients of Robert M Browne, DDS can count on emergency care for their smiles when they need it. Our practice is proud to make sure you can have important treatment that can put a stop to pain, and help you regain your best smile and dental function after work is completed. To learn more or to schedule a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.